Minimum Requirements
- Android Gradle Plugin(AGP) version ≥ 7.2.0
- Gradle 7.3.3
- Java 8
- compileSdkVersion & targetSdkVersion ≥ 32
New MaterialSwitch component
- It will replace the SwitchMaterial class
Compose sample code
XML sample code
New Checkbox component
now supports indeterminate and ⛔️ error state
Compose sample code
XML sample code
- For accessiblity, we can provide an
// XML
app:errorAccessibilityLabel="Error label for accessible goes here"// Kotlin code
setErrorAccessibilityLabel("Error label for accessible goes here)
There are many other changes please check the release notes 🗒 here 👇
- Redesigned BottomAppBar
- New Shape system
- New Icon Button support, etc.